Simple line bisection is a complex task in which both perceptual/atten
tional factors and motor factors are involved. Using a judgment task o
n prebisected lines it is possible to assess independently the role of
perceptual/attentional factors. The judgment-bisection relationship w
as investigated in 37 preschool children aged 4-5 and 70 school childr
en aged 10-12. At bisection, a clear shift of the right hand with age
from right to left bisections was observed, more pronounced in right-
than in left-handers, and probably related to learned patterns. At jud
gment, a slight but significant left side overestimation was observed.
In right-handers, judgment was related to left-hand but not to right-
hand bisection. It is concluded that motor (manual) factors strongly i
nfluence visuo-motor bisection in normal children, and it is suggested
that the judgment-bisection relationship has to be systematically inv
estigated when bisection is used as a task informing on space percepti
on or on direction of attention.