A method is developed for estimating the uncertainty (standard error)
of observed regional, hemispheric, and global-mean surface temperature
series due to incomplete spatial sampling. Standard errors estimated
at the grid-box level [SE2 = S-2(1 - (r) over bar)(1 + (n - 1)(r) over
bar)] depend upon three parameters: the number of site records (n) wi
thin each box, the average interrecord correlation ((r) over bar) betw
een these sites, and the temporal variability (S-2) of each grid-box t
emperature time series. For boxes without data (n = 0), estimates are
made using values of S-2 interpolated from neighboring grid boxes. Due
to spatial correlation, large-scale standard errors in a regional-mea
n time series are not simply the average of the grid-box standard erro
rs, but depend upon the effective number of independent sites (N-eff)
over the region. A number of assumptions must be made in estimating th
e various parameters, and these are tested with observational data and
complementary results from multicentury control integrations of three
coupled general circulation models (GCMs). The globally complete GCMs
enable some assumptions to be tested in a situation where there are n
o missing data; comparison of parameters computed from the observed an
d model datasets are also useful for assessing the performance of GCMs
. As most of the parameters are timescale dependent, the resulting err
ors are likewise timescale dependent and must be calculated for each t
imescale of interest. The length of the observed record enables uncert
ainties to be estimated on the interannual and interdecadal timescales
, with the longer GCM runs providing inferences about longer timescale
s. For mean annual observed data on the interannual timescale, the 95%
confidence interval for estimates of the global-mean surface temperat
ure since 1951 is +/-0.12 degrees C. Prior to 1900, the confidence int
erval widens to +/-0.18 degrees C. Equivalent values on the decadal ti
mescale are smaller: +/-0.10 degrees C (1951-95) and +/-0.16 degrees C