The breakdown reactions of antigorite: (1) forming talc + forsterite water at low pressures and (2) forming forsterite + clinoenstatite water at high pressures were determined in reversed equilibrium experi
ments. Results on reaction (1) were found to be in good agreement with
former experimental determinations by both Johannes [Johannes, W., 19
75. Zur Synthese und thermischen Stabilitat von Antigorit. Fortschr. M
ineral. Beih. 53, 36.] and Evans et al. [Evans, B.W., Johannes, W., Ot
erdoom, H., Trommsdorff, V., 1976. Stability of crysotile and antigori
te in the serpentinite multisystem. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt. 5
6, 79-93.]. From our experiments the invariant point (I-1), interconne
cting the two reactions, can be located at about 15 kbar/650 degrees C
. This is consistent with the thermodynamic calculations using the dat
aset of Berman [Berman, R.G., 1988. Internally consistent thermodynami
c data for minerals in the system a2O-K2O-CaO-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-SiO2
-TiO2-H2O-CO2. J. Petrol. 29, 445-522.]; however, it is in contrast to
recent experimental studies of Ulmer and Trommsdorff [Ulmer, P., Trom
msdorff, V., 1995a. Serpentine stability to mantle depths and subducti
on-related magmatism. Science 268, 858-861.] who determined I-1 at 21
kbar/730 degrees C. Our PT-conditions for I-1 could be confirmed by eq
uilibrium experiments on reaction (10) talc + forsterite <-> clinoenst
atite + water, which is generated at I-1 as well. Up to about 25 kbar
the breakdown reaction (2) is nearly pressure-independent. Towards sti
ll higher pressures the dP/dT-slope of reaction (2) bends and becomes
negative. Schreinemakers analysis as well as thermodynamic calculation
s of the upper pressure-stability of antigorite show that the possible
antigorite breakdown reaction (3) antigorite <-> clinoenstatite + bru
cite + water and reaction (4) brucite + clinoenstatite <-> forsterite
+ water could originate at a new invariant point I-2, provided that th
e reactions (2) and (11) brucite + antigorite <-> forsterite + water i
ntersect. Bracketing equilibrium (4) and combining these results with
those on reaction (2), I-2 was located at only about 51 kbar/490 degre
es C, compared to 77 kbar/680 degrees C according to Berman's data. Ho
wever, when taking into account the dense hydrous magnesium silicate (
=DHMS)-phase A, Mg7Si2O8(OH)(6), the phase relations of antigorite are
changed resulting (i) in the metastability of I-2 and reaction (3) an
d (ii) in a new invariant point I-7 at about 44 kbar and 580 degrees C
generating the new antigorite breakdown-reaction (16) antigorite <->
phase A + clinoenstatite + water. On the basis of these new data on th
e stability of antigorite, earlier conclusions about dehydration depth
s in subducted serpentine-bearing oceanic lithosphere have to be recon
sidered. The maximum pressure stability of antigorite according to rea
ction (16) extends between 44 and 55 kbar, that is between about 130 a
nd 160 km depths, as opposed to about 75 kbar (220 km) following Ulmer
and Trommsdorff (see above). Because many different thermal regimes a
re possible in subduction zones, no specific dehydration depth can be
expected but rather more continuous dehydration fronts in space and ti
me. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.