The present study in the embryo of the lizard Anolis lineatopus descri
bes the modality of cell proliferation responsible for the morphogenes
is of the digital pad lamellae and of the epidermal stratification. Af
ter tritiated thymidine and 5-bromodeoxy-uridine administration, autor
adiographic and immunocytochemical methods have been used. The lamella
e originate as long, slightly slanted, undulations of the epidermis of
fingers and toes. At an early stage, the epidermis consists of an out
er periderm and a basal layer. Cell hypertrophy, and the prevalent cel
l proliferation in the longer side of the undulation with respect to t
he shorter side, generate the surface of the outer lamella. Under the
peridermis, a shedding complex, composed by clear and oberhautchen lay
ers, is formed and later determines the first intraepidermal shed. The
first subperidermal layer derived from the basal layer is a clear lay
er and the first shed epidermis in the embryo is represented by peride
rm and clear layer. The heavily granulated clear layer in Anolis linea
topus represents the first epidermal layer produced in the embryonic e
pidermis, and is connected with the process of shedding. The spinulae
of the underlying oberhautchen in the outer scale surface become long
setae which grow toward the upper clear layer. Under the shedding comp
lex a beta-layer is produced. Autoradiographical study shows that the
radioactivity stays in the basal layer for about 4 days before cells m
ove to upper layers. At 6-8 days post-injection labelled cells are vis
ible in the differentiated clear, oberhautchen and beta-layers. Under
the beta-layer differentiating mesos cells are visible before the embr
yo hatches.