In an animated crossed-beams experiment the following absolute cross s
ections sigma(q,q+n) for single (n = 1), double (n = 2), triple (n = 3
) and quadruple (n = 4) ionization have been measured for the reaction
e + Tiq+ --> Ti(q+n+) + (n + 1)e sigma(5,6) (n = 1); sigma(2,4) (n =
2); sigma(2,5) (n = 3); sigma(2,6) (n = 4). The measurements have been
performed in an energy range from threshold up to 1 keV, partly to 6
keV. The cross section for single ionization of ions in charge state q
= 5 shows both contributions below the ground state threshold caused
by the ionization of ions in excited, metastable states in the parent
ion beam as well as from excitation-autoionization processes. The cros
s section is described well by distorted-wave calculations. The cross
sections for multiple ionization show considerable contributions from
inner shell processes. Semiempirical formulae are in reasonable agreem
ent with the experimental data.