The concept that receptors can exist in multiple conformational states
is becoming a physical reality. A fundamental question is how many ac
tive states need to be proposed in order to account for pharmacologica
l observations, in particular, the finding that the same receptor type
can exhibit a different agonist pharmacology when coupled to differen
t effector pathways. In this article, Paul Leff, Glare Scaramellini, G
lare Law and Ken McKechnie propose and develop a three-state receptor
model in which two active conformations are assumed to exist. They sho
w that this relatively simple theoretical model provides a basis for p
redicting variable agonist and inverse agonist behaviour in different
systems containing the same receptor, and that it is able to account f
or emerging data obtained on promiscuously coupled receptors. It is ar
gued that, while these new theoretical considerations challenge the fu
ndamental assumptions and concepts of traditional receptor theory, the
general principles of pharmacological receptor classification are lar
gely preserved.