The taxonomy and distribution of the Podostemaceae of Kerala are descr
ibed with figures and maps. Nine genera and 13 species are included. K
erala is the southwestern state of India. Most rivers of Kerala origin
ate in the Western Ghats. Two genera that occur in the state (Dalzelli
a, Indotristicha) represent subfamily Tristichoideae, whereas the rema
ining seven represent subfamily Podostemoideae. Four species (Dalzelli
a zeylanica (Gardn.) Wight, Farmeria metzgerioides (Trimen) Willis, Po
dostemum subulatum Gardn. and Zeylanidium olivaceum (Gardn.) Engl.) ar
e restricted to southern India and Sri Lanka. A new combination, namel
y; Podostemum munnarense (Nagendran & Arekal) Mathew & Satheesh is mad
e herein. Two species (Podostemum munnarense, Zeylanidium maheshwarii
Mathew & Satheesh) are endemic to one locality each in Kerala. Six spe
cies are restricted to western or southern India (Indotristicha ramosi
ssima (Wight) Van Royen, Farmeria indica Willis, Griffithella hookeria
na (Tul.) Warm., Hydrobryopsis sessilis (Willis) Engl., Polypleurum st
ylosum (Wight) J.B. Hall and Willisia selaginoides (Bedd.) Warm. ex Wi
llis). Zeylanidium lichenoides (Kurz.) Engl. has a broad distribution.
The extensive morphological variability of Polypleurum stylosum is di
scussed. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.