Negative effects of enhanced UV-B radiation have been demonstrated in
plants, but impacts under realistic held conditions remain uncertain.
Adverse impacts to major crops, such as rice (Oryza sativa L.), that a
re grown in areas with currently high ambient levels of UV-B, could ha
ve consequences for food security. To address the response of rice to
UV-B, we conducted an intensive and extensive series of field experime
nts from 1992 to 1995 documenting the effects of supplemental UV-B (si
mulating approximately 20% ozone depletion for the Philippines), using
irrigated rice cultivars under tropical conditions. This multiseason
study indicated that supplemental UV-B had no significant effects on r
ice grain yield (including the yield components spikelet filling perce
ntage, and 1000-grain weight) or growth parameters (plant height or pa
nicles per square meter). The absence of UV-B effects was consistent a
cross seasonal environment (four dry and three wet seasons), cultivar,
and type of exposure system. Thus, rice yields are not likely to be a
ffected by increases in UV-B under realistic field conditions.