Despite being one of the most frequent neoplasms occurring in the endo
crine system, thyroid carcinoma is, nevertheless, a relatively rare ev
ent (0.5-1.5% of all malignant tumours in man); the differentiated for
ms are the most prevalent and are characterized by a high mean surviva
l rate, whereas the very aggressive forms are rare and prognosis is un
favourable, Diagnostic evaluation of carcinomatous lesions, particular
ly in the early stages, may give rise to considerable difficulties at
a clinical level due to the differentiation of the benign lesions, whi
ch are a frequent finding. The traditional clinico-semeiological and i
nstrumental parameters, which, in the past, were used in the assessmen
t of suspected malignancy, should not be considered as markers of mali
gnancy; however, exposure to ionizing radiations during childhood may
have a well defined role of risk. Following the recent progress in gen
etic and molecular studies, it is now possible to exploit genetic-mole
cular tumor markers and, at present, thyroid medullary carcinoma may b
e identified also in the absence of clinical evidence, particularly th
e familial form, thus allowing suitable prophylaxis in those subjects
with specific genetic impairment (e.g. preventive thyroidectomy in inf
ancy). Since no discriminating clinico-semeiological parameters are av
ailable, considering the aspecificity of scintigraphic findings and th
e lack of reliability of echographic imaging in providing data which e
nable us to distinguish a rare neoplastic pattern from the more freque
nt finding of a benign thyroid mass, fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cyto
logy may today be considered the technique of choice in the screening
of the thyroid nodule, Our experience in over 12,000 nodular lesions s
ince 1982, has confirmed that the cytological examination is the most
discriminating investigation, diagnostic reliability being far greater
than that of traditional techniques, Considering the high frequency o
f thyroid nodule disease which rarely harbours a carcinomatous lesion,
a very scrupulous diagnostic algorithm is mandatory. The FNA cytology
, together with morphofunctional and immunological examinations, as we
ll as dynamic exploration of the thyroid hypothalamo-pituitary axis, w
hich allows a nosographic picture of the thyroid nodule disease, provi
des a more discriminating appraisal for the surgical approach to a sin
gle, solitary or prominent nodule.