High throughput screening is a key component of the pharmaceutical lea
d identification process at ZENECA, Robotic systems have been employed
throughout the industry to perform (i) both the initial compound dilu
tion and distribution processes that form a common ''front end'' to ma
ny high throughput screens and (ii) the assay assembly and signal dete
ction steps that comprise an individual screen, Although the use of ma
nipulative arm systems in formulating and replicating test compounds i
s well established, robotic throughput rates have been significantly s
lower than those that can be maintained by human operatives and, conse
quently, the use of robots for performing assays has been limited, In
recent years, the industry has experienced significant increases in th
e rate of compound screening and throughput rates are now approaching
the upper limit that human operatives can be expected to achieve in a
working day, To permit future increases in our rate of screening we ha
ve designed a novel automation system, based on the use of two Zymark(
R) arms. The rationale behind automation of the screening process, the
capabilities provided by the system, and the resulting benefits are d