Compound Library management is inherent to the success of a high throu
ghput screen, The library management system developed at Sphinx Pharma
ceuticals accomplishes this through a series of Paradox and Grade data
base applications, This suite of applications allows compounds to be g
rouped as libraries, inventoried, and scheduled for testing in a scree
n, Compound libraries can be defined using any combination of source,
structure, and target, and may be divided into sublibraries, allowing
a flexible mix of compounds to be scheduled across several targets, Te
st requests can then be made for an entire library, sublibrary, or ind
ividual mother plates, The priority of requests is set by a combinatio
n of assay and compound source, allowing management of sources that re
quire special handling, An inventory module tracks both physical volum
es and the volume available for requests by plate and well, Positive s
ample tracking is maintained throughout the screening process from the
time of request through the compound preparation process, to the date
of test, and subsequent re-test if necessary, Furthermore, assay resu
lts can be tracked to the exact well on the assay plate, The tracking
of this data allows a flexible diversity set for each target, tracks c
ompound preparation to date, and facilitates the scheduling of prepara