Operations research and management science (OR/MS) have long been acce
pted as an inherent part of management studies in the US; however, the
pedagogy of OR/MS in most of the Asian countries has not yet evoked t
he attention of Western scholars. We carried out a questionnaire surve
y to explore the teaching of undergraduate OR/MS in business schools i
n Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. The responses revealed some sim
ilarities among these four countries. In particular, less than half of
the respondents indicated that OR/MS was a required course in their u
ndergraduate curricula. They saw the two most important objectives of
this course as improving students' ability to think logically and enha
ncing their overall quantitative skills. Among OR/MS subjects, linear
programming is the major topic covered. Simulation receives insufficie
nt attention. In addition, instructors in Asia commonly rely on exampl
e calculations and the explanation of theory.