Generalized epileptic seizures are underlied by specific circuits wher
e GABAergic synapses are involved at different levels. The role of the
se synapses depends on (i) the type of epilepsy and (ii) their localiz
ation within the central nervous system. This dual complexity can be i
llustrated by two examples from animal experimentation. Clinical, as w
ell as experimental data have shown that the neural mechanisms underly
ing generalized non-convulsive seizures (e.g., absence-epilepsy) are d
istinct from those involved in convulsive generalized seizures. Pharma
cological reactivity to anti-epileptic compounds is different between
these two forms of seizures. Hippocampus and amygdala are key-structur
es in convulsive seizures whereas they are not involved in absence-epi
lepsy. A thalamo-cortical circuit generates the spike-and-wave dischar
ges in absence epilepsy. Global activation of GABAergic transmission b
y systemic administration generally suppresses convulsive seizures whe
reas it aggravates absence in both humans and animals. Further investi
gations using a genetic model of absence seizures in the rat have sugg
ested that this aggravation may be related to the role of post-synapti
c GABA-B receptors in slow hyperpolarization, in the relay nuclei of t
he thalamus. By ''de-inactivating'' low-threshold calcium currents, ac
tivation of these receptors facilitates rythmic activity in the thalam
o-cortical circuit In addition, regulation of transmitter release by p
resynaptic GABA-B receptors in the thalamus and the cortex may also co
ntribute to the control of absence seizures. A blockade of the GABA-B
receptors, either locally in the thalamus or systemically suppresses a
bsence seizures. The critical role of the substantia nigra in the cont
rol of different forms of seizures has been demonstrated recently In t
he rat. This structure is one of the richest regions of the brain for
GABAergic terminals, neurons and receptors. Local applications of GABA
mimetics resulting in the desinhibition of their target neurons in th
e superior colliculus were shown to suppress both convulsive and non-c
onvulsive seizures. This circuitry involving the basal ganglia may exe
rt a ''remote inhibitory control'' over generalized epilepsies generat
ed in other areas. In conclusion, the pharmacological manipulation of
GABAergic transmission has different consequences on epilepsy dependin
g on the form of seizures and the connections and functions of the GAB
Aergic neurons in a given structure. The design of new therapeutical t
ools based on the manipulation of GABAergic mechanisms in the central
nervous system requires to take into account this neuroanatomical dime