The maintenance of stable test atmospheres in small-volume inhalation
systems such as a nose-only exposure manifold requires rapid and appro
priate responses to fluctuations in a number of parameters. For exampl
e, changes in flows or voltages can affect test compound generation ef
ficiency and gas dilution ratios, resulting in excursions of the test
concentration outside an acceptable range. A feedback control loop was
designed that makes use of mass flow controllers in maintaining the t
arget concentration of a test compound. The system was tested by gener
ating ozone in a nose-only exposure manifold. An ozone analyzer provid
ed updated concentration values every 30 s, which were compared to the
user-defined target concentration recorded in the interface readout b
ox. Values of gain, integral, and lead determining an appropriate resp
onse of the controller to concentration fluctuations were implemented
based on proportional-integral-derivative control algorithms. Using th
is approach, the flow of ozone mixed with dilution air into the system
was adjusted as required without user intervention, minimizing concen
tration overshoots upon system startup, maintaining an ozone concentra
tion within a range +/-5% of the target concentration, and responding
rapidly and efficiently to line disturbances.