Fibrinogen and lipoproteins are considered to be the most decisive pac
emakers in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. H.E.L.P. is based on t
he fact that lipoproteins as well as fibrinogen are precipitated at ac
id pH-values in the presence of heparin. Their elimination therefore l
eads to restoration of the micro-circulation, while the haemostasiolog
ical pattern remains unchanged. The increased oxygen supply to the tis
sue enables us to perform limb-saving surgical procedures instead of m
utilating amputations: 16 patients with peripheral arterial disease in
Fountaine's stages III and IV were submitted to 15 H.E.L.P. treatment
s each instead of primary limb amputation. Surgery was limited to the
removal of gangrenous tissue only. None of the patients experienced an
y side-effects due to the procedure.