Integrability and chaos are two of the main concepts associated with n
onlinear physical systems which have revolutionized our understanding
of them. Highly stable exponentially localized solitons are often asso
ciated with many of the important integrable nonlinear systems while m
otions which are sensitively dependent on initial conditions are assoc
iated with chaotic systems. Besides dramatically raising our perceptio
n of many natural phenomena, these concepts are opening up new vistas
of applications and unfolding technologies: Optical soliton based info
rmation technology, magnetoelectronics, controlling and synchronizatio
n of chaos and secure communications, to name a few. These development
s have raised further new interesting questions and potentialities. We
present a particular view of some of the challenging problems and pay
offs ahead in the next few decades by tracing the early historical eve
nts, summarizing the revolutionary era of 1950-1970 when many importan
t new ideas including solitons and chaos were realized and reviewing t
he cur rent status. Important open problems both at the basic and appl
ied levels are discussed. (C) 1997 The Franklin Institute. Published b
y Elsevier Science Ltd.