The semaphorins/collapsins constitute a family of genes unified by the
presence of a ''semaphorin domain'' which has been conserved through
metazoan evolution. The semaphorin family comprises both secreted and
transmembrane molecules and is thought to be made up of ligands for as
yet unidentified receptors. The functions are not known, with the exc
eption of those of sema III (also referred as sem D and collapsin 1),
D-sema I, and D-sema II, which have been shown to be involved in axona
l pathfinding. Here we report the identification of a mouse semaphorin
cDNA, termed Sema VIb. Although Sema VIb contains the extracellular s
emaphorin domain, it lacks the immunoglobulin domain or thrombospondin
repeats which are present in other described vertebrate (but not inve
rtebrate) transmembrane semaphorins. During development Sema VIb mRNA
is expressed in subregions of the nervous system and is particularly p
rominent in muscle. In adulthood, Sema VIb mRNA is expressed ubiquitou
sly. The cytoplasmic domain of Sema VIb contains several proline-rich
potential SH3 domain binding sites. Using an in vitro binding assay, w
e show that Sema VIb binds specifically the SH3 domain of the protoonc
ogene c-src. In transfected COS cells Sema VIb coimmunoprecipitates wi
th c-src. These results, along with our evidence that Sema VIb can for
m dimers, suggests that the semaphorin family not only serves as ligan
ds but may include members, especially those which are transmembrane,
which serve as receptors, triggering intracellular signaling via an sr
c-related cascade.