Altitude, speed and mode of ascent and, above all, individual suscepti
bility are the most important determinants for the occurrence of high-
altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE). This illness usually occurs only 2-5
days after acute exposure to altitudes above 2,500-3,000 m. Chest radi
ographs and CT scans show a patchy predominantly peripheral distributi
on of edema. Wedge pressure is normal at rest, and there is an excessi
ve rise in pulmonary artery pressure (Ppa) which precedes edema format
ion. Bronchoalveolar lavage in patients with advanced HAPE shows evide
nce of inflammatory response with increased capillary permeability. Th
ere are, however, no prospective data indicating whether the inflammat
ory response is a primary cause of HAPE or a consequence of edema form
ation. Excessive rise in Ppa appears to be a crucial pathophysiologic
factor for HAPE. Recent observations of high Ppa in HAPE-susceptible s
ujects who did not develop pulmonary edema after rapid ascent to high
altitude suggest either that Ppa does not necessarily reflect capillar
y pressure in these individuals or else that additional factors, such
as an inflammatory response and/or a decreased fluid clearance from th
e lung, are necessary for the development of pulmonary edema. The trea
tment of choice is immediate descent. When this is impossible and supp
lemental oxygen is not available, treatment with nifedipine is recomme
nded until descent is possible.