A new approach to the study of spinodal decomposition for a scalar fie
ld is proposed. The approach is based on treating this process as a re
laxation of the one-time correlation function G(q,t)=integral dr[phi(0
,t)phi(r,t)]exp(iq.r), which plays the role of an independent dynamica
l object (a unique two-point order parameter). The dynamical equation
for G(q,t) (the Langevin equation in correlation-function space) is so
lved exactly in the one-loop approximation, which is the zeroth approx
imation in the approach proposed. This makes it possible to trace the
asymptotic behavior of G(q,t) at long and intermediate times t (from t
he moment of onset of the spinodal decomposition). The values obtained
for the power-law growth exponents for the height and position of the
peak in G(q,t) at the intermediate stage is in satisfactory agreement
with the data obtained by a number of authors through numerical simul
ation of the corresponding stochastic equations describing the relaxat
ion of the local order parameter. (C) 1997 American lnstitute of Physi