A 4.5 yr-old male white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) killed by
a hunter during the 1994 firearm hunting season in northeastern Michi
gan (USA) had lesions suggestive of tuberculosis and was positive on c
ulture for Mycobacterium bovis the causative agent for bovine tubercul
osis. Subsequently, a survey of 354 hunter-harvested white-tailed deer
for tuberculosis was conducted in this area from 15 November 1995 thr
ough 5 January 1996. Heads and/or lungs from deer were examined grossl
y and microscopically for lesions suggestive of bovine tuberculosis. G
ross lesions suggestive of tuberculosis were seen in 15 deer. Tissues
from 16 deer had acid-fast bacilli on histological examination and in
12 cases mycobacterial isolates from lymph nodes and/or lungs were ide
ntified as M. bovis. In addition, lymph nodes from 12 deer (II females
and I male) without gross or microscopic lesions were pooled into 1 s
ample from which M. bovis was cultured. Although more male (9) than fe
male (3) deer had bovine tuberculosis infections, this difference was
not statistically significant. Mycobacterium bovis culture positive de
er ranged in age from 1.5 to 5.5 yr with a mean of 2.7 yr (median 2.5
yr) for males and 3.2 yr (median 3.5 yr) for females. This appears to
be the first epidemic occurrence of M. bovis in free-ranging cervids i
n North America. A combination of environmental (high deer density and
poor quality habit) and management-related factors (extensive supplem
ental feeding) may be responsible for this epizootic.