An apparently novel adenovirus was associated with an epizootic of hem
orrhagic disease that is believed to have killed thousands of mule dee
r (Odocoileus hemionus) in California (USA) during 1993-1994. A system
ic vasculitis with pulmonary edema and hemorrhagic enteropathy or a lo
calized vasculitis associated with necrotizing stomatitis/pharyngitis/
glossitis or osteomyelitis of the jaw were common necropsy findings in
animals that died during this epizootic. Six black-tailed yearling de
er (O. hemionus columbianus) were inoculated with purified adenovirus
isolated from a black-tailed fawn that died of acute adenovirus hemorr
hagic disease during the epizootic. Three of six inoculated deer also
received intramuscular injections of dexamethasone sodium phosphate ev
ery 3 days during the study Eight days post-inoculation, one deer (wit
hout dexamethasone) developed bloody diarrhea and died. Necropsy and h
istopathologic findings were identical to lesions in free-ranging anim
als that died of the natural disease. Hemorrhagic enteropathy and pulm
onary edema were the significant necropsy findings and there was micro
scopic vascular damage and endothelial intranuclear inclusion bodies i
n the vessels of the intestines and lungs. Adenovirus was identified i
n necrotic endothelial cells in the lungs by fluorescent antibody stai
ning, immunohistochemistry and by transmission electron microscopy. Ad
enovirus was reisolated from tissues of the animal that died of experi
mental adenovirus hemorrhagic disease. Similar gross and microscopic l
esions were absent in four of six adenovirus-inoculated deer and in th
e negative control animal which were necropsied at variable intervals
during the 14 wk study. One deer was inoculated with purified adenovir
us a second time, 12 wk after the first inoculation. Fifteen days afte
r the second inoculation, this deer developed severe ulceration of the
tongue, pharynx and rumen and necrotizing osteomyelitis of the mandib
le which was associated with vasculitis and thrombosis of adjacent lar
ge vessels and endothelial intranuclear inclusions. Transmission elect
ron microscopy demonstrated adenovirus within the nuclei of vascular c
ells and immunohistochemistry demonstrated adenovirus antigen within t
onsilar epithelium and in rare vessels.