Dopamine via interaction with its receptor is known to be involved in
the behavioral and endocrine actions in the mammalian brain. Behaviora
l effects produced by ethanol appear to be due to its actions on the d
opaminergic system. In the present study using in situ hybridization h
istochemistry and RNase protection assay, the effect of prolonged etha
nol intake on the expression of D-2 dopamine receptor mRNA was examine
d in the rat brain. Specific D-1 and D-2 receptor mRNA signals were de
tected in the caudate putamen, nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle,
hippocampus, dentate gyrus, and amygdaloid complex of the rat brain. W
ithin the hypothalamus, the level of receptor mRNA was low in most nuc
lei with a somewhat higher level in the arcuate nucleus. Only the supu
rachiasmatic nucleus showed moderate to dense dopamine receptor mRNAs.
Prefrontal cortex showed hybridization signals but their intensity wa
s very low. A considerable amount of D-2 mRNA was localized in the sub
stantia nigra but D-1 mRNA was not. Ethanol (10%) intake for 5 weeks i
ncreased both the density of hybridization signal and number of cells
expressing D-2 dopamine receptor mRNA in the caudate putamen, and nucl
eus accumbens, but not in the olfactory tubercle. RNase protection ass
ay revealed about a 1.5-fold increase in the D-2 dopamine receptor mRN
A level in the corpus striatum. These results provide a basis for the
involvement of dopamine D-2 receptor expression in alcoholism.