Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) is a potent inhibitor of tissue
factor (TF)-initiated coagulation and may play a role in regulating c
oagulation in atherosclerotic plaques. The expression of TFPI protein
and mRNA was examined by immunohistology and in situ hybridization in
normal human and rabbit arteries, in human carotid arteries with advan
ced atherosclerosis, and in atherosclerotic aortas from cholesterol-fe
d rabbits. In normal human and rabbit arteries, TFPI protein and mRNA
were detected in the adventitial layer but were undetectable in the lu
minal endothelium. In the medial smooth muscle layer of rabbits, weak
expression of TFPI mRNA, but not protein, was detected; in that of hum
ans, neither TFPI mRNA nor protein was detectable. In atherosclerotic
arteries, TFPI protein and mRNA were detected in three of six internal
carotid plaques from patients. undergoing endarterectomy, and mRNA al
one was detected in one further specimen. TFPI protein was found in ar
eas of the plaque where TF was abundant and colocalized with macrophag
es, suggesting that these cells are responsible for TFPI synthesis. TF
PI protein and mRNA were also detected in fatty-streak lesions in 18 o
f 19 rabbits fed a high-cholesterol diet for periods between 4 and 16
weeks. In these macrophage-rich lesions, expression of TFPI protein an
d mRNA was most intense at the base of the plaques. These studies sugg
est that TFPI is expressed in the adventitial layer of large arteries
and that in atherosclerotic vessels, TFPI is expressed by macrophages
in focal areas throughout the plaque. Local production of TFPI may reg
ulate procoagulant activity and thrombotic events within atherosclerot
ic plaques.