Within the range in which light penetration depth is approximately the
same as or less than the diameter of the particles in the medium, par
ticulate media with considerable absorption behave as two-dimensional,
rough-surface structures. As penetration depth increases, a complicat
ed transition between volume and surface effects is seen. For these me
dia, low-order scattering sequences have small spatial extent, making
observation of polarization characteristics difficult. We present an e
xperimental technique to access the low-order scattered photons by art
ificially reinjecting them through total internal reflections. Using a
dielectric layer in contact with the high-absorption medium, we are a
ble to observe fourfold polarization asymmetry in backscattering from
highly absorbant media. We discuss the origin of the polarization patt
erns in a ray-optics approximation and suggest possibilities for solvi
ng practical problems encountered in characterizing composites with ap
preciable absorption. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.