The most common health problems of the elderly are related to chronic
diseases as a result of increase in life expectancy. In India, sporadi
c data have been collected on different health problems of the elderly
. While epidemiologic studies specifically targeted at the elderly pop
ulation are sparce, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has
carried out several studies on specific chronic disorders such as hear
ing impairment, blindness, cardiovascular diseases, cancer etc. The da
ta from these studies covering the aged population have been utilised
to provide a chronic morbidity profile of the elderly. Based upon the
population estimates, the disease load in the Indian elderly populatio
n has been estimated. Hearing impairment is the most common morbidity,
followed by visual impairment. The common risk factors associated wit
h these chronic diseases, are reported upon, and measures for interven
tion are suggested, wherever feasible. The paper does not cover common
morbidities. such as locomotor, urinary and sleep disturbances, which
have been reported in other surveys. The availability of population b
ased data from India, and derives the disease burden due to chronic di
seases in the elderly is emphasised. Such data can be used to generate
the pattern of health problems in the elderly, for initiating appropr
iate intervention strategies and for fixing priorities for planning he
alth care services amongst the elderly.