One purpose of the science of ecotoxicology is to provide information
for protecting ecosystems. Understanding the hazards of chemicals is e
ssential to wise decision making, and it is now clear that community s
tructure changes are closely linked to altered ecosystem function. Unc
ertainty is high when decisions are made from a small biological (toxi
cological) database. Individual bioassays provide little insight into
biological interactions that are important in sustaining ecosystems. A
rtificial ecosystem experiments with herbicides demonstrate the limite
d predictive power of bioassays and ecological risk assessment methods
that are heavily dependent on animal testing. Many herbicides interfe
re with unique pathways in photosynthetic organisms but are not very t
oxic to animals. For example, the herbicide atrazine is not considered
toxic to fishes, because atrazine interferes with electron transport
in photosystem II. But, adding atrazine at low levels (3-100 mu g/L) t
o aquatic microcosms demonstrated significant increases in algal bioma
ss, concurrent enhancement of nutrient recovery systems, and increases
in the detectable number of heterotrophic microbial species. Higher l
evels of atrazine (100-300 mu g/L) produced general collapse of these
laboratory ecosystems. Low levels of atrazine capable of producing eco
system-level effects can occur from days to weeks in streams of midwes
tern agricultural areas. Conversely, the herbicide diquat is rapidly i
mmobilized in the field if fine sediments are present. Laboratory bioa
ssays tend to overestimate diquat toxicity if sediments are not presen
t because the material rarely persists in the water column. A variety
of measures of ecosystem condition are available for assessment of che
mical effects. Community structure changes (especially of nontarget gr
oups) and changes in ecosystem process variables have technical import
ance and are not assessed in current risk assessment paradigms. Regula
tors need to draw on a more comprehensive data set than is presently u
sed to make risk assessment decisions. Sometimes, this may require usi
ng methods other than those considered standard for data development.