It has previously been reported that high nutrient intakes which promo
te rapid maternal growth throughout pregnancy are associated with poor
pregnancy outcome when compared with normally growing adolescent anim
als. The present study examined the maternal plasma concentrations of
a number of putative endocrine regulators of nutrient partitioning bet
ween the maternal and fetal compartments in relation to placental and
fetal growth in this novel experimental paradigm. Embryos were recover
ed on day 4 after oestrus fi-om superovulated adult ewes that had been
inseminated using semen from a single sire and synchronously transfer
red, in singleton, to the uterus of peripubertal adolescent recipients
(n=38), which had been induced to ovulate at 32 weeks of age Give wei
ght 47.4+/-0.4 kg). Post-transfer, the adolescent recipients were offe
red a high (n=21) or moderate (n=17) level of a complete diet calculat
ed to achieve rapid (RMG) or normal (NMG) maternal growth rates. After
day 100 of gestation, the feed intake of the NMG group was adjusted w
eekly to meet the increasing nutrient demands of the gravid uterus. Pr
egnancy rate following embryo transfer was higher (P<0.05) in the RMG
(90%) than in the NMG (59%) group. For ewes delivering live young at t
erm, liveweight gain during the first 100 days of gestation was 294 +/
- 12.9 and 84 +/- 4.7 g/day for the RMG (n=16) and NMG (n=10) groups r
espectively, and body condition score immediately prior to parturition
was higher in RMG than in NMG ewes (2.9 +/- 0.04 vs 1.9 +/- 0.15 scor
e units respectively, P<0.001). For the RMG and NMG groups respectivel
y, mean placental weight was 327 +/- 18.1 and 485 +/- 16.6 g with lamb
birth weights of 3.49 +/- 0.13 and 4.82 +/- 0.21 kg (P<0.001). The re
duction in placental mass in the RMG group reflected a decrease in the
number (P<0.001) and size (P<0.01) of the fetal cotyledons. The durat
ion of gestation was shorter (P<0.001) and colostrum yield at parturit
ion lower (P<0.001) in the RMG group. Maternal insulin concentrations,
determined three times weekly, were higher (P<0.001) throughout gesta
tion in the RMG group and irrespective of treatment group were negativ
ely correlated (P<0.01) with placental weight and lamb birth weight. H
igh glucose levels throughout gestation and a decreased response to an
exogenous insulin challenge on day 95 of gestation implied a degree o
f insulin resistance in the RMG group but, in spite of these high mate
rnal glucose concentrations, the reduced size of the placenta probably
constrained fetal growth. Maternal IGF-I levels determined weekly, we
re elevated (P<0.001) during the second and third trimester in RMG ver
sus NMG groups and a sustained elevation in maternal tri-iodothyronine
and thyroxine concentrations was evident in the RMG group from mid-ge
station. In contrast, GH pulse frequency and mean GH concentrations, d
etermined on day 68 and 122 of gestation, were lower (P<0.05) in the R
MG group, and irrespective of treatment group, were correlated negativ
ely with feed intake and positively with placental weight and colostru
m yield at parturition. Progesterone concentrations were lower in the
RMG group during the second and third trimesters (P<0.001) and, irresp
ective of treatment group, were positively associated (P<0.001) with p
lacental weight, gestation length and colostrum yield. These results s
uggest that in pregnant adolescent sheep on high dietary intakes, elev
ated insulin and IGF-I levels ensure that the anabolic drive to matern
al tissue synthesis is established during early gestation at the expen
se of placental growth. The consequent restriction in placental transp
ort capacity is the primary limitation to fetal growth and reduced GH
and placental progesterone secretion may impair colostrum production.