Ds. Pavlov et al., AGE-RELATED-CHANGES OF BEHAVIOR AND STATE OF THE CATECHOLAMINE SYSTEMIN THE EUROPEAN GRAYLING FRY, Izvestia Akademii nauk SSSR. Seria biologiceskaa, (1), 1994, pp. 71-80
Age-related changes in behavior of the European grayling (Thymallus th
ymallus L.) fry and the functional state of the catecholaminergic horm
onal system have been studied in the laboratory from the moment of egg
fertilization until the period of fry development. The pattern of age
-related changes in behavioral reactions was preserved in different ye
ars of observations. Several behavioral stereotypes have been identifi
ed on the basis of analysis of these changes. Their successive alterna
tion determines changes in migration of fish from the spawning grounds
The results of biochemical testing are considered with respect to phy
siological mechanisms of behavior.