The relative molar flame ionization detection (FID) response (RMR) for
a hydrocarbon does not change when deuterium is substituted for hydro
gen. The exception is methane for which an inverse deuterium isotope e
ffect of 3.5% is observed for tetradeuteromethane. [C-13]Methane shows
an inverse isotope effect of 2%. The reason for the small or nonexist
ent isotope effects is that H/H-2 exchange takes place in the pre-comb
ustion hydrogenolysis in the flame. This was shown by taking samples f
rom the lower part of the flame by means of a fused-silica capillary p
robe. By the same technique the hydrogenolytic reactions in the hydrog
en flame of compounds added to the hydrogen gas in low concentrations
were followed. Alcohols, ethers, ketones, and esters all produced meth
ane and carbon monoxide, while amines produced methane and hydrogen cy
anide, halogen compounds methane and hydrogen halide, etc. The FID res
ponse of an organic compound is the sum of the responses from the prod
ucts formed in the hydrogenolysis. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.