Myocardial uptake of thallium-201 is not only a function of regional m
yocardial blood flow, but also reflects cellular uptake by intact cell
membranes and thus can not be merely regarded a signal of perfusion b
ut also of structural cell integrity. Especially in the setting of sev
erely depressed left ventricular function evidence of viable but dysfu
nctional myocardium has impact on recovery potential and prognosis aft
er myocardial revascularization. Hibernating myocardium, a reversible
chronically ischemic state of reduced aerobic metabolism and depressed
contractile function, may be identified after injection of thallium-2
01 at rest and rest-redistribution SPECT imaging. Since thallium-201 u
ptake in initial defect areas may occur as a function of time allowed
for redistribution, even partial late uptake may be considered a relia
ble signal for viable, but hibernating tissue, 75% of which demonstrat
ing contractile recovery after revascularization. Uptake of thallium-2
01 at rest or with redistribution, thus, is indicative of myocardial v
iability irrespective of function. Conversely, lack of thallium-201 up
take after stress and redistribution does not always indicate necrosis
, since 45 to 83% of myocardium with no uptake may improve function af
ter revascularization. These defects, however, often resolve with rein
jection of thallium-201 and subsequent imaging at rest. This observati
on led to a triphasic imaging protocol including conventional rest-red
istribution imaging and a third set of images after reinjection of 1 m
Ci thallium-201 at rest. This concept ensures uptake of thallium-201 i
n 31 to 49% of presumably persistant defects and increases sensitivity
for detection of viable tissue. In 80 to 87% of areas with reinjectio
n thallium-201 uptake function improved after revascularization compar
ed to 0 to 8% of segments with no uptake at all. Redistribution imagin
g should not be omitted for logistical reasons, since important inform
ation not only on ischemia but also on viability may be lost. Useful i
maging protocols for detection of both ischemia and viability comprize
either a sequence of stress, redistribution and reinjection imaging o
r a series of stress, reinjection and 24 hour redistribution images; b
oth protocols have similar sensitivity for detection of tissue viabili
ty. In the setting of stunned myocardium mainly after thrombolytic the
rapy the assessment of residual viability may be important for both ad
ditional therapeutic and prognostic reasons. Thallium-201 uptake prefe
rentially using a rest-redistribution protocol may help to differentia
te viable from non-viable myocardium: however thallium imaging should
be performed after the hyperemic phase following successful thrombolys
is (greater-than-or-equal-to 24 to 48 hours after thrombolysis). A det
ailed overview of various protocols to assess myocardial viability is
outlined in Table 1. In summary, thallium-201 uptake after injection o
f tracer at rest or after stress (pharmacologic such as vasodilatory s
tress induced by dipyridamole or adenosine or ergometric), at a given
time to allow redistribution and delayed uptake of tracer or with rein
jection of activity may indicate myocardial tissue viability. Thus tha
llium-201 imaging with special emphasis on viability may often be a co
st-effective alternative to metabolic imaging with PET. With the use o
f new thallium-201 imaging protocols (biphasic and triphasic) and quan
titative methods the net uptake of thallium-201 may be a reliable and
clinically useful parameter to assess tissue viability in the setting
of both stunned and hibernating myocardium and. thus. may carry progno
stic information with functional improvement after revascularization.