The relation between the quality of the epiphytic lichens and the dama
ge class of the trees could be investigated by intensive mappings, whi
ch took place in the Klosterreichenbach forest-district, northern Blac
k Forest. In this district the favourable constellation for our invest
igations were found in the combination of huge forest areas with sympt
oms if the novel forest decline besides stands, where a local emitter
caused classical sulphuric damages. In the surrounding of this emitter
a strongly impoverished flora of lichens is paralleled by a high dama
ge class of the trees, caused by the intensive yellowing and loss of n
eedles. In the other areas of the forest-district, which show typical
symptoms of the novel forest decline a quantitatively good lichen-flor
a occurred despite of a high damage class of the stand, but depending
on the age of the trees and the altitude of the stand. Some representa
tives of the there thrieving lichen-flora are very sensitive against a
ir pollution. The results, a good developed lichen-flora in combinatio
n with a seriously damaged tree, point against the fact, that air poll
ution is the only cause for the novel forest decline.