An analysis is given of the structure of a general two-dimensional Tod
a field theory involving bosons and fermions which is defined in terms
of a set of simple roots for a Lie superalgebra. It is shown that a s
imple root system for a superalgebra has two natural bosonic root syst
ems associated with it which can be found very simply using Dynkin dia
grams; the construction is closely related to the question of how to r
ecover the signs of the entries of a Cartan matrix for a superalgebra
from its Dynkin diagram. The significance for Toda theories is that th
e bosonic root systems correspond to the purely bosonic sector of the
integrable model, knowledge of which can determine the bosonic part of
the extended conformal symmetry in the theory, or its classical mass
spectrum, as appropriate, These results are applied to some special ki
nds of models and their implications are investigated for features suc
h as supersymmetry, positive kinetic energy and generalized reality co
nditions for the Toda fields. As a result, some new families of integr
able theories with positive kinetic energy are constructed, some conta
ining a mixture of massless and massive degrees of freedom, others bei
ng purely massive and supersymmetric, involving a number of coupled si
ne/sinh-Gordon theories. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.