The viscoelastic behavior of poly(cyanate epoxy) has been investigated
by dynamic mechanical analysis and thermostimulated creep. First, the
coherence of both sets of data has been shown. The analysis of the fi
ne structure of the low temperature retardation mode has revealed the
existence of four cooperative sub modes. The high temperature retardat
ion mode corresponds to the anelastic manifestation of the glass trans
ition. The elementary processes constituting this mode are characteriz
ed by retardation times following a compensation law with a compensati
on temperature T-c similar to T-g + 60 degrees. The broad range of act
ivation enthalpies reveals that cooperative movements are highly deloc
alized. The compensation parameters together with the range of activat
ion enthalpy define the microstructure of poly(cyanate epoxy) and allo
w us to follow its relationship with the viscoelastic behavior.