By definition, the Painleve test is the set of all techniques which en
ables one to generate necessary (although generally not sufficient) co
nditions for the integrability of ordinary (or partial) non-linear dif
ferential systems, in the sense of Painleve. In conclusive cases, the
results of Painleve local singularity analysis provide ale most fundam
ental knowledge related with the integrability of such systems. Moreov
er, the qualitative behaviour of dynamical systems may also be probed
in terms of their analytic structure. The Painleve test may then provi
de, in some cases, quite pertinent indications in favour of possibly c
haotic dynamical behaviours in the general solution of such non-linear
systems. The implementation of the Painleve test in the algebraic pro
gramming language REDUCE is presented in the case of systems of non-li
near ordinary differential equations which are polynomials in the depe
ndent variables and their derivatives. The implementation includes a r
outine for the automatic search for movable singularity families, and
a second routine for the process of the Painleve test itself, either w
ith the help of the classical (and widely used) Kowalevskaya and Gambl
er method or within the perturbative framework developed by Conte, For
dy and Pickering.