Frequency splittings derived from the first 4 month string of GONG dat
a in the form of the Clebsch-Gordon coefficients are analyzed with par
ticular emphasis on the region near the base of and just below the con
vection zone. It is found that the greatest changes In angular velocit
y occur across the region 0.60 < r = R/R. < 0.72. At equatorial latitu
des, the angular velocity increases (outward) from 416 nHz at r = 0.64
5 to 455 nHz at r = 0.71, with a maximum angular velocity gradient d o
mega(lambda)/dr of order 2.2 x 10(-3) (in units of nHz km(-1)) at r =
0.68 +/- 0.01. At latitude 30 degrees, there are some fluctuations in
the angular velocity between r = 0.70 and r = 0.75, but below r = 0.70
the angular velocity is relatively uniform. At latitude 45 degrees, t
he angular velocity decreases from 449 nHz at r = 0.645 to 415 nHz at
r = 0.71, with a maximum (negative! gradient of magnitude 1.9 x 10(-3)
again at r = 0.68 +/- 0.01; while at latitude 60 degrees the angular
velocity decreases from 440 nHz at r = 0.67 to 383 nHz at r = 0.775, w
ith a maximum negative gradient of order 2.4 x 10(-3) at r = 0.70 +/-
0.01. Models exhibiting a discontinuous shear between the convection z
one and a uniformly rotating radiative region are not strongly support
ed by these data. A model with a uniformly rotating core below r = 0.5
8 and with some latitudinal structure in the range 0.58 < r < 0.70 is
found to be consistent with the data.