Stimulation by Clomifen in Intracysmoplastic Sperm Injection (ICSI): T
his prospective trial was planned to determine the value of a soft sti
mulation protocol using 100 mg clomifen citrate from cycle day 3 to 7
in natural cycles as a preparation for an intracytoplasmic sperm injec
tion (ICSI). 17 endocrinologically normal patients were stimulated who
were suffering from a male factor subfertility. 13 patients showed a
good response and a oocyte pickup was performed in these cases. 22 ooc
ytes were retrieved in 10 patients, most of these oocytes were in meta
phase 11 (91%), the fertilisation rate was 82% (n=18). 11 transfers we
re performed, 2 clinical pregnancies could be achieved, one ended in a
n early abortion, one pregnancy was ongoing. To conclude: we can show
that stimulation for ICSI using low-dose CC is feasible. The transfer
rate was 100% per successful pick-up (10 patients). The protocol is ea
sy to perform, cheap and the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
and multiple pregnancies is minimal. Patients accept this form of sti
mulation as very comfortable. These advantages are discussed.