Subsonic and supersonic jet noise is determined numerically from stati
stical source models, The goal is to develop prediction methods for hi
gh-speed jet noise for application to aeronautical and space transport
ation systems, In this framework, a combination of a k-epsilon turbule
nce closure with an acoustic analogy provides an interesting way to co
mpute such radiated acoustic fields, Three acoustic analogies are inve
stigated, First, the classical Lighthill theory in combination with Ri
bner's results is applied to calculate jet mixing noise, The second me
thod relies on the Goldstein-Howes convected wave equation, which is u
sed to improve the predicted supersonic jet mixing noise in the upstre
am direction, It is necessary to properly account for acoustic wave co
nvection, and then, one finds that the Doppler factor features an expo
nent of -3 in the associated power law, A model based on the Ffowcs Wi
lliams-Maidanik analysis then is developed to estimate the Mach-wave n
oise component that dominates forward are radiation when the convectio
n Mach number is supersonic. Comparisons between aerodynamic and calcu
lated acoustic results on the one hand, and available measurements on
the other hand, are carried out. It is shown that the last two models
yield improved supersonic jet mixing noise predictions.