Although most analyses in tribology deal with the behavior of fluids i
n shear, many fluids, such as greases or printing inks, can develop si
gnificant forces when subjected to pure extension. These forces can im
pact performance, especially in the exit region of tribological interf
aces. The resistance of a fluid to an imposed shear rate is a measure
of the fluid's shear viscosity (usually just referred to as its viscos
ity). The resistance of a fluid to an imposed extensional strain rate
is a measure of the fluid's extensional viscosity. In this paper, two
techniques for the measurement of extensional forces are discussed. A
subsequent companion paper will discuss interpretation of the force da
ta in terms of extensional viscosity. Both techniques described have t
he advantage of a dimensionally small measurement element. The first t
echnique involves the use of a vapor deposited surface pressure transd
ucer. This transducer is a thin strip of ytterbium. The electrical res
istance of ytterbium is pressure sensitive. Small changes in resistanc
e can be related to extensional stress. The extensional viscometer app
aratus consists of two counter-rotating cylinders. As the fluid exits
the nip between the cylinders, the extensional stress is detected by a
transducer attached to one of the cylinders. The second technique dis
cussed herein involves the use of a small-beam transducer in conjuncti
on with the counter-rotating cylinder apparatus. The deflection of the
beam due to the fluid's extensional force is detected and interpreted
in terms of extensional stress as a function of strain rate at the ex
it of the nip. Extensional stresses of several hundred thousand Pa hav
e been measured.