This paper introduces a general structure that is capable of approxima
ting input-output maps of nonlinear discrete-time systems, The structu
re is comprised of two stages, a dynamical stage followed by a memoryl
ess nonlinear stage, A theorem is presented which gives a simple neces
sary and sufficient condition for a large set of structures of this fo
rm to be capable of modeling a wide class of nonlinear discrete-time s
ystems, In particular, we introduce the concept of a ''complete memory
.'' A structure with a complete memory dynamical stage and a sufficien
tly powerful memoryless stage is shown to be capable of approximating
arbitrarily well a wide class of continuous, causal, time-invariant, a
pproximately-finite-memory mappings between discrete-time signal space
s, Furthermore we show that any bounded-input bounded-output, time-inv
ariant, causal memory structure has such an approximation capability i
f and only if it is a complete memory, Several examples of linear and
nonlinear complete memories are presented, The proposed complete memor
y structure provides a template for designing a wide variety of artifi
cial neural networks for nonlinear spatiotemporal processing.