This study used body surface mapping to evaluate the ventricular repol
arization process in the absence of delta waves in 13 patients with th
e intermittent Wolf-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome. The findings were
compared with data from 30 normal individuals and 50 patients with the
overt WPW syndrome. The QRST isointegral maps of patients with the ov
ert WPW syndrome exhibited abnormal areas and the QRST departure maps
showed a peculiar distribution to each accessory pathway site. The QRS
T isointegral map exhibited. abnormal areas in 11 of the 17 cases (85%
) of the intermittent WPW syndrome in the absence of delta waves. In 8
of these 11 cases (73%), the distribution of the departure map resemb
led that in the overt WPW syndrome. These findings suggest that abnorm
al ventricular repolarization due to cardiac memory is present in pati
ents with the intermittent WPW syndrome even in the absence of delta w