German STS research has paid little attention to the empirical and the
oretical contributions of symbolic interactionism. Therefore, this art
icle aims to give both an overall view of the development of theoretic
al concepts from E.C. Hughes and A.L. Strauss to the recent STS studie
s of, for example, S.L. Star and J. Fujimura and a short introduction
to some of the key concepts the latter have developed in their empiric
al work in the domains of engineering work, molecular biology, and dis
tributed artificial intelligence. Following this, some aspects of the
special achievements of symbolic interactionism are discussed. Althoug
h this is not a comparison of the STS-approaches, some comparative not
ions with respect to different constructivist approaches from ethnomet
hodology to laboratory studies to the actor-network approach appear in
the concluding section.