A study of the evolution of recrystallised structure and texture in th
e surface of a cold rolled twin roll cast AlFeSi alloy is presented. A
nnealing of such alloys often results in an abnormally coarse grained
recrystallised surface structure with a strong cube texture. The evolu
tion of this structure depends on the annealing procedures, that is, t
he precipitation state. Increased amounts of precipitating particles i
ncrease the grain size and the fraction of cube texture. The oriented
growth theory does not offer any plausible interpretation of this prec
ipitation effect. A recrystallisation model that incorporates the diff
erences in Zener drag between different annealing procedures has shown
that the evolution of a strong cube texture and coarse grains is the
result of a preferential nucleation of cube oriented grains. Precipita
tion increases the critical nucleation diameter and the resulting grai
n size. Cube oriented subgrains have a size advantage compared to othe
r potential nucleation sites and are therefore not so affected by prec
ipitation. (C) 1997 Acta Metallurgica Inc.