In the past few years scientists and scholars in a variety of discipli
nes have been making concerted efforts to answer an ancient question,
namely, How exactly do the physical processes in the brain cause consc
iousness! What is distinctive about the way in which modern scientists
and scholars are approaching this question is that they are treating
it as a scientific problem rather than a metaphysical one. This transi
tion reflects the air of expectation in contemporary cognitive science
to the effect that an empirical solution is imminent to a philosophic
al problem that previously was considered insoluble. Nevertheless, a r
ecent authoritative review of the publications of such leading contemp
orary workers in the field as Francis Crick, Daniel Dennett, Gerald Ed
elman, Roger Penrose, and Israel Rosenfield has concluded that they ha
ve all failed to provide a satisfactory answer to the question (Searle
1995a). The present paper makes a psychoanalytic contribution to this
interdisciplinary effort and provides an alternative answer to the qu
estion, based on Freud's conceptualization of the problem of conscious
ness. The paper takes a concrete example from Searle's review, reanaly
ses it within Freud's metapsychological frame of reference, and shows
how this frame provides a radical solution to the problem. This implic
ation of Freud's work has not hitherto been recognized and so has not
received the attention it deserves.