Cullen Medik. is a member of tribe Psoraleeae, all members of which ar
e characterised by delayed development of floral vasculature, the pres
ence of glands, and uniovulate ovaries. Cullen is distinguished from t
he other members of the tribe by discontinuous floral vasculature, and
glandular, non-beaked fruits. Field work and a morphometric analysis
of the Cullen patens-complex including 20 populations collected throug
hout the eastern half of Australia, indicates that four species, Culle
n australasicum, C. discolor, C. pallidum, and C. patens, may be disti
nguished. A phylogenetic analysis indicates two main clades within Cul
len, one including species the stems of which are branched at the base
, and one in which the species are unbranched below. Furthermore, this
analysis shows Bituminaria to be paraphyletic, Cullen includes 32 kno
wn species, 5 of which, C. pogonocarpum, C. leucochaites, C. praerupto
rum, C. candidum, and C. corallum are described as new.