The integrated and comprehensive Real-time On-line DecisiOn Support sy
stem, RODOS, for off-site emergency management of nuclear accidents is
being developed with support of the European Commission and the Germa
n Ministry of Environment. Designed as a generic tool, the RODOS syste
m will be applicable from the very early stages of an accident up to m
any years after the release and from the vicinity of a site to far dis
tant areas. Decision support will be provided at various levels, rangi
ng from the largely descriptive, with information on the present and f
uture radiological situation, to an evaluation of the benefits and dis
advantages of different countermeasures' options. A large number of We
st and East European institutes are involved in its development to ope
rational use. This paper gives an overview of the structure, the conte
nt, the main functions and the development status of the RODOS system
and discusses its potential role for improving emergency response in E