A comprehensive meteorological dispersion module called MET-RODOS is b
eing developed to serve the real-time RODOS(1-3) decision support syst
em with an integrated prediction capability for airborne radioactive s
pread, deposition and gamma radiation exposure on all scales. Depositi
on, ground level air concentrations, and ground level gamma dose rates
from up to 15 simultaneous released nuclides are calculated using a n
ested system of local and long range atmospheric dispersion models, dr
iven by real-time available on-line meteorological information. The ME
T-PODOS module uses concurrently the available source term and weather
information in the RODOS data base system, and returns, up to +36 h f
orecasts of nuclei-specific air and deposited concentrations including
gamma dose rate estimations for display and subsequent processing wit
hin the RODOS framework. Weather and meteorology is available to the s
ystem via on-line connections to on-site local meteorological observat
ions (met-towers and sodars) and via network (either public domain Int
ernet or user-owned point-to-point ISDN) connections to remote nationa
l or international meteorological forecasting services. In its final f
orm, scheduled for operational use in 1999, the: MET-RODOS meteorologi
cal module is intended to service the PODOS system with actual and for
ecast (+36 h) nuclei-specific air concentrations, deposition values, a
nd gamma radiation estimates on the local, national, and European scal
e. Provisions are furthermore being made for accommodating on line ava
ilable radiological monitoring data in the meteorological model chains
in order for the module to assist with source term determination base
d on real-time data assimilation and back-fitting procedures.