Plant endomembranes carry both primary and secondary ATP-dependent Ca2
+ transporters, but conflicting results have been obtained as to their
subcellular localization and means of regulation. This study describe
s how these transporters can be given a respective characterization, b
y proper choice of pH and inhibitors/activators, even under conditions
when they cannot physically be separated from each other. The charact
erization was done with a light endomembrane fraction from the outer 1
-1.5 cm of wheat root tips (Triticum aestivum L.), free from plasma me
mbranes. The endomembrane secondary active ATP-driven Ca2+ transport w
as totally inhibited by bafilomycin, was increased several-fold by oxa
late and had a pH optimum at 7.4. The primary active ATP-dependent Ca2
+ transport was inhibited by vanadate and erythrosin B, was not increa
sed by oxalate, and had a relatively lower pH optimum (less than or eq
ual to pH 6.8). The two endomembrane Ca2+ transporters were located in
different cellular compartments, the secondary H+/Ca2+ anti-port loca
ted in the vacuolar membranes, and the primary Ca2+ ATPase located in
the endoplasmic reticulum. A Ca2+ ATPase in wheat root plasma membrane
s was characterized in an earlier study (OIbe and Sommarin, 1991). Thu
s, two primary Ca2+ ATPases with different locations can be distinguis
hed in wheat root cells, The endomembrane primary Ca2+ transport showe
d many similarities to that of the plasma membranes, e.g. sensitivity
to vanadate and to erythrosin B (although higher erythrosin B was need
ed to inhibit the endomembrane activity), and stimulation by calmoduli
n (provided the plasma membranes had been extensively washed), Both en
zymes showed affinity for Ca2+ in the low micromolar range, but differ
ed in pH preference and substrate specificity. Taken together, they ar
e clearly distinct enzymes located in different subcellular compartmen