Hantaviruses of the Hantaan-, Puumala-, Seoul-, and Belgrade serotype
are the cause of several diseases with similar symptoms but different
severeness due to the pathogenity of the different strains. The differ
ent diseases are summarized as hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (
HFRS). The mild courses of the disease in central and northern Europe
and in the russian areas west of the ural are called nephropathia epid
emica. The nephropathia epidemica is caused by the Puumala subtype of
the hantavirus. The Hantaan serotype predominantly causes severe forms
of the hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome as the epidemic hemorrha
gic fever and the Korean hemorrhagic fever. Several clinic apparent in
fections in eastern Germany caused by the Hantaan subtype have been re
ported. Within three years we diagnosed an acute renal failure in thre
e males aged 21, 28 and 60 years, caused by the hantavirus. The diagno
sis of a hantavirus induced infection was confirmed by the course of t
he antibody titer. Renal biopsies in all patients showed a mild inters
titial nephritis. Two of the patients needed hemodialysis treatment fo
r a short time due to the elevated serum levels of creatinine and BUN.
In all cases we could see a restitutio ad integrum. With respect to t
he present epidemiological data we assume that the hantavirus is endem
ic in the Munsterland district.