Rj. Eisma et al., VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL GROWTH-FACTOR EXPRESSION IN HEAD AND NECK SQUAMOUS-CELL CARCINOMA, The American journal of surgery, 174(5), 1997, pp. 513-517
BACKGROUND: Angiogenesis is an essential process required for growth a
nd metastasis in cancer. In breast, gastric, and prostate cancer, vasc
ular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been implicated in angiogene
sis; however, little is known about VEGF in HNSCC. In this study, we h
ypothesize thai VEGF is present in elevated levels in HNSCC and may th
erefore play a role in promoting angiogenesis. METHODS: We obtained tu
mor tissue from 63 HNSCC patients undergoing primary resection. All ti
ssue samples were analyzed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) techniques fo
r the presence and localization of VEGF; however, only 36 had sufficie
nt amounts of tissue for quantitative analysis of VEGF by ELISA. Nine
control specimens taken from patients undergoing uvulopalatopharyngopl
asty were also analyzed. RESULTS: In all 63 of our patient samples we
found VEGF to be present and localized to the cancer cells and endothe
lial cells, The poorly differentiated cancer cells stained more intens
ely in comparison with the well-differentiated ones, There was a 20-fo
ld increase in the patient levels when compared with controls levels (
P greater than or equal to 0.05). Analysis by enzyme-linked immunosorb
ent assay revealed elevated mean levels of VEGF (241 +/- 326 pg/mg tot
al protein [TP]) with a range of 2 to 1484 pg/mg TP. The control speci
mens had mean levels of 13 +/- 11 pg/mg TP and a range of 1 to 78 pg/m
g TP. Patients who exhibited higher levels of VEGF tended to have a hi
gher rate of disease recurrence (P less than or equal to 0.048) and sh
orter disease-free interval (P less than or equal to 0.05). CONCLUSION
S: The expression of VEGF in elevated levers in the HNSCC tumor microe
nvironment appears to be associated with more aggressive disease. Base
d on our results, VEGF may be an important angiogenic factor associate
d with cancer cells and endothelial cells in HNSCC. Further studies ar
e needed to better define the role of VEGF in HNSCC and its role as a
potential target for therapeutic intervention. (C) 1997 by Excerpta Me
dica, Inc.