Em. Volodin, SENSITIVITY OF A SUMMER ATMOSPHERIC CIRCU LATION MODEL TO THE LAND-SURFACE CONDITIONS IN SPRING AND SEA-SURFACE TEMPERATURE IN SUMMER, Izvestia Akademii nauk. Rossijskaa akademia nauk. Fizika atmosfery iokeana, 33(5), 1997, pp. 619-630
A series of numerical experiments with different initial land surface
conditions and different initial sea surface temperatures was performe
d to determine the sensitivity of a summer atmospheric circulation mod
el to these two factors. It was shown that a snow cover anomaly in spr
ing on some territories led to a noticeable change of the territory su
rface temperature up to June-July; however, this change was several ti
mes less than the natural interannual variability. For this reason, it
was almost impossible to observe a significant influence of the snow
cover anomalies on the Indian summer monsoon, A study of the influence
of sea surface temperature anomalies on circulation showed that the m
odel could reproduce a local response of tropical circulation to the s
ea surface temperature but could hardly reproduce a remote one, for ex
ample, the relationship between the Indian monsoon and the El Nino pha
se. It was suggested that a low reproducibility of tropical circulatio
n anomalies was caused by an overestimated horizontal diffusion in the
tropics resulting in the shift of the spatial and temporal scales of
condensation and low-frequency variability in general.